Saturday, January 20, 2007

Democracy! I’ll Take Anarchy Any Day

Democracy! I’ll Take Anarchy Any Day

Georgia House bans genital piercings for women.

The Associated Press - ATLANTA

“Genital piercings for women were banned by the Georgia House Wednesday as lawmakers considered a bill outlining punishments for female genital mutilation

The bill would make such mutilation punishable by two to 20 years (sic)in prison. It makes no exception for people who give consent to have the procedure performed on their daughters out of religious or cultural custom.

An amendment adopted without objection added, "piercing" to the list of things that may not be done to female genitals. Even adult women would not be allowed to get the procedure. The bill eventually passed 160-0, with no debate.

Amendment sponsor Rep. Bill Heath, R-Bremen, was slack-jawed when told after the vote that some adults seek the piercings.

"What? I've never seen such a thing," Heath said. "I, uh, I wouldn't approve of anyone doing it. I don't think that's an appropriate thing to be doing."

The ban applies only to women, not men. The bill has already been approved by the Senate but now must return to that chamber because of the piercing amendment. Both chambers of the Legislature must agree on a single version of a bill before it can go to the governor for final approval.”

I can only assume the proposed bill was originally intended to address the custom of female circumcision but then went on to included consensual adult female piercing.

Two to twenty years; I wouldn’t have a problem with the full twenty being handed down to any parent who subjected a daughter to such a selfish act of barbarism, in fact if religion were cited as the reason for carrying out this heinous act, I would give them forty years.

And my reasons would not be, as you might have so easily gathered, that I am anti religion, for this practice is nothing whatsoever to do with religion, it is but for the purposes of subjugating women and robbing them of their sexuality and as such, make them less likely to “stray.”
And in doing so, bolster against the overriding insecurity of the misogynist males that abound in the countries where this practice still takes place.

Having said all this I cannot get my head round that the reasons for this legalisation are enlightenment and altruism, not in, of all places, Georgia.
No, I fancy it more for the “icky” factor, ickyness being related to the goings on that occur in the region between the navel and the knee.

One only has to read the article to have my views endorsed.

“The bill eventually passed 160-0

With no debate.”

Bill Heath, Repub. (how could he be other than?) was slack-jawed when told after the vote that some adults seek the piercings.

"What? I've never seen such a thing," Heath said. "I, uh, I wouldn't approve of anyone doing it. I don't think that's an appropriate thing to be doing."


If that sentence alone doesn’t have you screaming then nothing will.

The ban applies only to women, not men.

“Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other. (Qur’an 4:34)

Democracy! Give me a break.



  2. Thank you, very interesting, and not a little heart warming.


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