Monday, May 28, 2007

Wolfowitz: Blame The Press

Nasty old press, bwaa.

I guess he won't be following this man's example.


  1. Good posts. Haven't checked in for a couple days so will not comment on all of them, but would like to say the level of ethnocentrism displayed by Bush is irrational and blind in the extreme. He is telling the world that the life of an American soldier is worth 20,000 Iraqi lives. (rough estimate of the discrepancies in death rates between the two groups) Not only that but a soldier's life, one who signed up for WAR, is more valuable than a woman's or child's, or any other civilian who did not sign up for WAR. What a powerful message this must send to the rest of the world.

    Another thing that really gets to me sometimes is the fact that one and all were calling for the impeachment of Clinton for getting a blowjob, yet this arrogant ignoramous can do anything he wants to without worry. I wonder how many blowjobs he would be able to get before the country would just decide he has gone too far. Bomb countries, kill children, starve villiages, take away freedom, blackmail congress, abandon troops, incite terror, but don't you DARE take your penis out! Stupid Americans. HH

  2. Addressing your latter point first, it truly is beyond me how this churl has got away with what he has, there is no point me going through the list it's well thumbed by now.

    And regarding the ethnocentrism the figures are just about right I shouldn't wonder, but in truth I don't think he gives a shit about anybody, troops included.
    All this bullshit about snowflakes and protecting the unborn and all the while kids in Iraq are being blown to pieces or dying in their thousands for want of the bare necessities of life.

    It's the rank hypocrisy that burns me, be it Bush or the boy buggerers or anybody else for that matter, I can live with anybody being what they are, however unacceptable, but when they go about their nefarious business with their dick or a gun in one hand and a bible in the other that is what really pisses me off.

    When I think of Leiberman spouting off in the Senate and stabbing Clinton in the back over having his dick out and now he's on his knees with his mouth full of Bush's cock whilst jerking off over the NeoCon war/killing machine. Leiberman is the one creature who in all my years on this planet that I despise above all others.

  3. Nice rant!..completly agree. HH


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