Intellectual-Property Bill. Another Nail
This is scary,
story and analysis John Aravosis.Permit more wiretaps for piracy investigations. Wiretaps would be authorized for investigations of Americans who are "attempting" to infringe copyrights....* Allow computers to be seized more readily. Specifically, property such as a PC "intended to be used in any manner" to commit a copyright crime would be subject to forfeiture, including civil asset forfeiture...
This is cute. I just wonder how many times my phone or computer has been tapped. This gives them free reign to do anything they want in this realm. They do not have to provide evidence of a crime, nor are they going to be required to provide a reason for the initial invasion. They just have to feel like maybe you kind of possibly thought about it at some point. What a load of shit. Americans can not travel to Cuba because the government does not like the dictator, yet we now are well down the path to having a dictator of our own. Not only does he want to wage war with the world, he is a flaming idiot. I mean really, really, stupid. He has got to be low functioning with, as my estimate, an IQ around 76. This is just shy of mentally retarded. What really gets me, the American people voted this asshole into office not just once, but TWICE!! I have lost faith in the voting public. They are more interested in what religion the candidate prescribes to than any other pertinent information. Most of them do not even know what the candidates stand for. They just see republican (which is quickly becoming synonomous with Bible Toter) and check the little box. No other qualifications are needed, thank you very much. I wonder what it will finally take for them to remove their veils of stupidity and take a good hard look around themselves. Or will they just blithly line up at the gates of the concentration camps, prison impounds, or government control centers clutching their bibles and praising the faith of their rightious leader. Goddamn! HH